Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cannibalistic Ducks

My English teacher overheard me talking about cannibalistic ducks, and (jokingly?) challenged me to write a poem with said title.  I did just that.  Enjoy the pure randomness.

 Cannibalistic Ducks

There was once a pond of ducks,
beneath an old apple tree.
They lived together there,
all in a fragile harmony.

 All enjoyed the taste of bread,
t’was a glorious rarity.
And prideful at it’s finding,
they quickly gobbled it with glee.

 But a certain special duck,
rather genius against the rest,
discovered a way to find,
its own bread: it was the best!

 And then one day, it was seen,
with bread in a surplus instead.
Oh the ducks they turned bright green!
And bit at the duck and it’s bread.

 The duck had died, now it’s gone,
it would seem that it had bad luck;
That’s life in a society,
full of cannibalistic ducks.

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